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Recalling decisions IX/24, X/8, XI/19 and XIII/5 of the Meeting of the Parties pertaining to new substances,
Noting that the Scientific Assessment Panel has developed procedures for assessing the ozone‑depletion potential of new substances,
- To invite parties in a position to do so to provide environmental assessments of RC‑316c (1,2-dichloro-1,2,3,3,4,4-hexafluorocyclobutane, CAS 356-18-3), a chlorofluorocarbon not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, and any guidance on practices that can reduce intentional releases of the substance;
- To request the Scientific Assessment Panel to conduct a preliminary assessment of RC‑316c and report to the Open-ended Working Group at its thirty-third meeting on the ozone‑depletion potential and global-warming potential of the substance and other factors that the Panel deems relevant;