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Imports, Reporting, Emissions, Industry
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Recalling Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, which mandates, inter alia, reporting on amounts of controlled substances used for feedstock,

Recalling paragraph 1 of decision VII/30, in which, inter alia, the parties specified that importing countries shall report the quantities of ozone‑depleting substances imported for feedstock uses and that importers shall, prior to export, provide exporters with a commitment that the substances imported shall be used for this purpose,

Recalling also decision IV/12, in which the parties clarified that insignificant quantities of ozone-depleting substances originating from inadvertent or coincidental production during a manufacturing process, from unreacted feedstock, or from their use as process agents which are present in chemical substances as trace impurities, or that are emitted during product manufacture or handling, shall be considered not to be covered by the definition of an ozone‑depleting substance contained in paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Montreal Protocol,

Recalling further that in decision IV/12, the parties were urged to take steps to minimize emissions of such substances, including such steps as avoidance of the creation of such emissions and reduction of emissions using practicable control technologies or process changes, containment or destruction,

  1. To encourage parties to exchange information on known alternatives being applied to replace ozone-depleting substances in feedstock uses;
  2. To encourage parties with feedstock uses to exchange information on systems they have in place for qualifying a specific ozone depleting substance use as feedstock use and for identification and/or monitoring of containers placed on the market and intended for feedstock uses, for example reporting or labelling requirements;
  3. To confirm that the use of carbon tetrachloride in the production of vinyl chloride monomer by pyrolysis of ethylene dichloride in the processes evaluated by the Panel in its 2012 progress report is considered to be a feedstock use;
  4. To request parties with vinyl chloride monomer production facilities in which carbon tetrachloride is used and that have not yet reported the information requested by the parties in decision XXIII/7 to provide such information to the Panel before 28 February 2013 to allow it to clarify whether the use in a particular facility is a feedstock use or process agent use;