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1. Takes note of the report of the meeting of the coordination group and encourages Parties when implementing activities under the global monitoring plan to consider the recommendations put forward in the report of the co-chairs of the coordination group;
2. Welcomes the regional monitoring reports and the global monitoring report and concludes that there are data on air and human milk or blood available in all five United Nations regions that can be used as a baseline for future evaluations, noting that not all data were available in time to be included in the monitoring reports;
3. Acknowledges the additional information on human tissue data presented at the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties and requests the Secretariat in cooperation with the regional organization groups to include those data in annexes to the first regional monitoring reports;
4. Adopts the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants that was provisionally adopted at its third meeting and requests the Secretariat to make non substantive changes as necessary;
5. Also adopts the terms of reference and mandate of the regional organization groups and the global coordination group set forth in the annex to the present decision;
[...]Annex to decision SC-4/31
Terms of reference and mandate of the regional organization groups and the global coordination group