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The Governing Council,
Recalling paragraph 13 of its decision 24/9, by which it requested the Executive Director to prepare, in consultation with the Committee of Permanent Representatives, a medium-term strategy for 2010–2013 with a clearly defined vision, objectives, priorities and impact measures and a robust mechanism for review by Governments, for approval by the Governing Council at its twenty-fifth session,
Noting with appreciation the open, transparent and extensive consultation process undertaken by the Executive Director with the Committee of Permanent Representatives in developing the United Nations Environment Programme Medium-term Strategy 2010–2013;
Also noting with appreciation the consultation with the multilateral environment agreement secretariats administered by the United Nations Environment Programme and with civil society and the private sector in developing the Medium-term Strategy 2010–2013,
Further noting with appreciation that the Medium-term Strategy 2010–2013 developed by the Executive Director is well focused, results-based and elaborates six cross-cutting thematic priority areas of work and various means of implementation as a way of strengthening the work of the United Nations Environment Programme in the period 2010–2013,
Emphasizing the need to implement fully decision SS.VII/1 on international environmental governance adopted by the Governing Council at its seventh special session (“the Cartagena Package”), and welcoming the Medium-term Strategy’s particular emphasis on significantly enhancing the capacity of the United Nations Environment Programme to deliver on the Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity-building;6 on the role of the United Nations Environment Programme as the principal United Nations body in the field of environment; on ensuring that United Nations Environment Programme actions are founded on sound science; and on fully implementing results-based management,
Noting also the time set by the United Nations Secretariat in the instructions issued for the preparation of the strategic framework 2010–2011 by each fund, programme and department of the United Nations secretariat,7
Acknowledging that in order for the Medium-term Strategy developed by the Executive Director to be linked in a meaningful fashion with the strategic framework and subsequent programme of work of the United Nations Environment Programme for 2010–2011 it is essential that the Governing Council should first consider the Medium-term Strategy at its tenth special session,
Noting that the Executive Director will consider the views expressed at the tenth special session of the Governing Council on the Medium-term Strategy 2010–2013 when formulating the programmes of work and budgets for 2010–2011 and for 2012–2013 and fully integrate any existing policies approved by the Governing Council into the programmes of work,
1. Welcomes the United Nations Environment Programme Medium-term Strategy 2010-2013 and authorizes the Executive Director to use the Medium-term Strategy 2010–2013 in formulating the strategic frameworks and programmes of work and budgets for 2010–2011 and for 2012-2013 and as a means to encourage coordination among United Nations Environment Programme divisions, without prejudicing the outcome of the governmental negotiations on the programmes of work and budgets;
2. Notes that any budgetary issues arising from the United Nations Environment Programme Medium-term Strategy 2010−2013 will be addressed through the programmes of work and budgets for 2010–2011 and 2012–2013 that will be approved by the Governing Council at its respective sessions based on priorities expressed and agreed by member States;
3. Encourages the Executive Director to continue to strengthen results-based management in the United Nations Environment Programme and, working within the approved programme of work for 2008–2009, to use the period 2008–2009 to commence the implementation of the transition to a fully results-based organization;
4. Requests the Executive Director to inform Governments about the implementation of the United Nations Environment Programme Medium-term Strategy 2010–2013 at regular intervals and to submit to the Governing Council, at its twenty-sixth regular session in 2011, a progress report on the implementation of the Strategy.