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This Act lays down some amendments to the Act on production and marketing of wine products and organization of wine market and provides new provisions concerning economic activities relating to the production and bottling of wine products. In particular the present Act establishes annual limits of fruit wine, cider, perry produced from private cultivation of trees or fruit shrubs, and annual limits of mead produced from private apiaries. Furthermore, it lays down reuirements for the management of waste generated during production and for the control of quality of wine products.
This Act lays down some amendments to the Act on production and marketing of wine products and organization of wine market and provides new provisions concerning economic activities relating to the production and bottling of wine products. In particular the present Act establishes annual limits of fruit wine, cider, perry produced from private cultivation of trees or fruit shrubs, and annual limits of mead produced from private apiaries. Furthermore, it lays down reuirements for the management o
Act amending the Act on production and marketing of wine products and organization of wine market.
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