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This Act lays down: (1) principles of production of fermented wine beverages and marketing of wine products; (2) principles of economic activities relating to production and bottling of wine products; (3) organization of wine market; (4) principles of mode of registration of names of origin and geographical indications of wine products received from grapes coming from viticulture on the territory of Polish Republic. These provisions do not apply to homemade wine products not intended for marketing. This Act is composed of the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Production of fermented wine beverages and marketing of wine products (Sec. 2); Economic activities relating to production and bottling of wine products (Sec. 3); Viticulture intended for acquisition of grapes for wine production (Sec. 4); Organization of wine market (Sec. 5); Protection of names of origin and geographical indications of wine products (Sec. 6); Criminal provisions and penalties (Sec. 7); Changing, transitional and final provisions (Sec. 8).
This Act lays down: (1) principles of production of fermented wine beverages and marketing of wine products; (2) principles of economic activities relating to production and bottling of wine products; (3) organization of wine market; (4) principles of mode of registration of names of origin and geographical indications of wine products received from grapes coming from viticulture on the territory of Polish Republic. These provisions do not apply to homemade wine products not intended for marketi
Act on production and marketing of wine products and organization of wine market.
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