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This Act establishes that entrepreneurs placing on the national market foodstuffs of special nutrition use or dietetic foodstuffs of special medical use must promptly inform the General Sanitary Inspector and submit the form of the label used. The General Sanitary Inspector initiates proceedings to ensure that foodstuffs meet all nutritional requirements. The Inspector may oblige entrepreneurs to transmit results of scientific research or other data to confirm that the products concerned fulfill the requirements.
This Act establishes that entrepreneurs placing on the national market foodstuffs of special nutrition use or dietetic foodstuffs of special medical use must promptly inform the General Sanitary Inspector and submit the form of the label used. The General Sanitary Inspector initiates proceedings to ensure that foodstuffs meet all nutritional requirements. The Inspector may oblige entrepreneurs to transmit results of scientific research or other data to confirm that the products concerned fulfill
Act amending the Act on sanitary conditions of food and nutrition.
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