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The Act is composed of five Sections: General provisions (sect. 1); Requirements for sanitary quality of food, observance of hygiene provisions and conditions of food production and marketing (sect. 2); Official control of food (sect. 3); Criminal provisions (sect. 4); Changes in valid provisions, transitional and final provisions (sect. 5). The Act lays down: requirements for sanitary quality of food, permitted additional substances and other food components; conditions of production and marketing; hygienic conditions applicable to the process of production and marketing of the goods above-mentioned, materials and products used to guarantee the appropriate sanitary quality of food; provisions of official food control. The provisions apply also to the production of wine and wine related products, ethyl alcohol used for agriculture purposes and spirit drinks. The Act does not apply to: nutritive products used only for own households or brought from abroad for that purpose; products used for medical purposes (defined as medical products); tobacco and tobacco related products.
The Act is composed of five Sections: General provisions (sect. 1); Requirements for sanitary quality of food, observance of hygiene provisions and conditions of food production and marketing (sect. 2); Official control of food (sect. 3); Criminal provisions (sect. 4); Changes in valid provisions, transitional and final provisions (sect. 5). The Act lays down: requirements for sanitary quality of food, permitted additional substances and other food components; conditions of production and market
Act on sanitary conditions of food and nutrition.
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