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This Act aims at ensuring food safety. It establishes that foodstuffs, allowed additives and other food components and substances must not be harmful to human health or life. The liability for damages caused by food or substances supporting processing is specified in the Civil Code. Entrepreneurs producing or marketing food are obliged to keep and store documentation and other data to identify the entities that provided raw materials, foodstuffs, allowed additives and other food components.
This Act aims at ensuring food safety. It establishes that foodstuffs, allowed additives and other food components and substances must not be harmful to human health or life. The liability for damages caused by food or substances supporting processing is specified in the Civil Code. Entrepreneurs producing or marketing food are obliged to keep and store documentation and other data to identify the entities that provided raw materials, foodstuffs, allowed additives and other food components.
Act amending the Act on sanitary conditions of food and nutrition.
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