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This Regulation of the Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of five Paragraphs, establishes that the National Sanitary Inspection organs and the Veterinary Inspection organs shall exchange information concerning lapses discovered during controls. The organs may organize common controls, support each other when controlling or laboratory testing and organize common trainings on food safety control systems. The organs shall nominate their representatives for commissions examining hygiene provisions to be met by food producers.
This Regulation of the Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of five Paragraphs, establishes that the National Sanitary Inspection organs and the Veterinary Inspection organs shall exchange information concerning lapses discovered during controls. The organs may organize common controls, support each other when controlling or laboratory testing and organize common trainings on food safety control systems. The organs shall nominate their represent
Regulation on detailed conditions and methods of cooperation of National Sanitary Inspection organs with Veterinary Inspection organs in controlling sanitary quality of food.
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