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The Act consists of four Sections. The first one lays down some amendments to the Water Act. In particular, it widens the scope of the Water Act, which (i) aims at the protection of surface waters and groundwater, (ii) stipulates conditions for the economic exploitation of water resources whilst preventing and improving the quality of surface water and groundwater, (iii) lays down rules for reducing the adverse effects of floods and drought and (iv) ensures the safety of water management in harmony with European Community legislation. According to these new provisions, the purpose of the Water Act is the protection of water ecosystems too.
The Act consists of four Sections. The first one lays down some amendments to the Water Act. In particular, it widens the scope of the Water Act, which (i) aims at the protection of surface waters and groundwater, (ii) stipulates conditions for the economic exploitation of water resources whilst preventing and improving the quality of surface water and groundwater, (iii) lays down rules for reducing the adverse effects of floods and drought and (iv) ensures the safety of water management in harm
Act amending the Water Act, the Act on integrated emergency system and some other acts.
Czech Republic
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