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The main objects of the Act are: a) protection of surface water and groundwater; b) economic utilization of water resources; c) reduction of adverse effects of floods and drought; and d) safety of water management structures. The text of the Act consists of 137 sections divided into 11 Parts. Part 1 comprises the Water Act which is divided into 13 Chapters: introductory provisions (1); water management (2); surface water and groundwater status (3); planning in water management (4); protection of the water regime and water resources (5); watercourses (6); river basin administration (7); water management structures (8); protection against floods (9); fees and charges (10); execution of state administration (11); sanctions (12); joint and temporary provisions (13). Remaining 10 Parts deal with amendments to various acts.Section 2 of Chapter 1 contains definitions of terms. Chapter 2 lays down provisions for the obligated protection of surface water, as well as their economical and efficient utilization. Permission for use of water, charges, cancellation of permission is the subject of section 8.
The main objects of the Act are: a) protection of surface water and groundwater; b) economic utilization of water resources; c) reduction of adverse effects of floods and drought; and d) safety of water management structures. The text of the Act consists of 137 sections divided into 11 Parts. Part 1 comprises the Water Act which is divided into 13 Chapters: introductory provisions (1); water management (2); surface water and groundwater status (3); planning in water management (4); protection of
The Czech text is a version of the Law as amended last in 2010. The English text is a version of the Law last amended in 2004.
Water Act.
Czech Republic
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