This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 31 articles, lays down the scope of data in the records on surface water and groundwater and the method of processing, storage and transmission of such data to information systems of the public administration. Individual articles describe evidence of: watercourses (art. 2), building on waterways (art. 3), hydrogeological regions (art. 4), water reservoirs (art. 5), heavily modified water bodies and artificial water bodies (art. 6), quantity of surface water (art. 7), quality of surface water (art. 8), quantity of groundwater (art. 9), quality of groundwater (art. 10), water bodies (art. 11), ecological potential of heavily modified and artificial water bodies (art. 12), surface water abstractions (art. 13), groundwater withdrawal (art. 14), wastewater discharges (art. 15), discharge of mine water (art. 16), accumulation of surface water in reservoirs (art. 17, international basins in the Czech Republic and sub-basins (art. 18), protected areas of natural water (art. 19), protection zones of water resources (art. 20), surface water resources which are used or intended to be used as a source of drinking water (art. 21), groundwater resources which are used or intended to be used as a source of drinking water (art. 22), sensitive areas (art. 23), vulnerable areas (art. 24), areas of surface water used for bathing (art. 25), surface waters that are or may become permanently suitable for the life and reproduction of indigenous species of fish and other aquatic animals (art. 26), waterworks for land reclamation (art. 27), floodplains (art. 28).
This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 31 articles, lays down the scope of data in the records on surface water and groundwater and the method of processing, storage and transmission of such data to information systems of the public administration. Individual articles describe evidence of: watercourses (art. 2), building on waterways (art. 3), hydrogeological regions (art. 4), water reservoirs (art. 5), heavily modified water bodies and artificial water bodies (art. 6),
Decree on data describing the state of surface and underground waters.
Czech Republic
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