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The purpose of this Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture is to protect human health and the environment for subjects relating to the surface water used for bathing. The present Decree is composed of seven articles and lays down the content and method of preparation of the bathing water profiles (art. 2), conditions of review and update of the bathing water profiles (art. 3), and the scope and method of submitting documents by administrators of basins (art. 4).
The purpose of this Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture is to protect human health and the environment for subjects relating to the surface water used for bathing. The present Decree is composed of seven articles and lays down the content and method of preparation of the bathing water profiles (art. 2), conditions of review and update of the bathing water profiles (art. 3), and the scope and method of submitting documents by administrators of basins (art. 4).
Decree on profiles of surface water used for bathing.
Czech Republic
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