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This Act implements relevant provisions European Communities and establishes: (a) rules of the management of extractive waste; (b) rules of the prevention of damage to the environment, caused by management of extractive waste, and resulting from it risk to life and human health; (c) rules of limiting the impact on the quality of water, soil, plants, animals and landscape, caused by management of extractive waste; (d) competences of public authority relating to the management of extractive waste.
This Act implements relevant provisions European Communities and establishes: (a) rules of the management of extractive waste; (b) rules of the prevention of damage to the environment, caused by management of extractive waste, and resulting from it risk to life and human health; (c) rules of limiting the impact on the quality of water, soil, plants, animals and landscape, caused by management of extractive waste; (d) competences of public authority relating to the management of extractive waste.
Act on the management of extractive waste and amending certain acts.
Czech Republic
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