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This Act provides definitions and framework for the assessment and management of flood risks from watercourse and lakes with the aim to reducing risks in vulnerable areas. For each water-district a planning project is initiated by the municipal authorities, under supervision of the Ministry of Environment.
This Act consists of 7 Chapters and 2 Appendices: Purpose and scope (1); Risk areas (2); Risk management plans(3); Administrative rules (4); Appeals and legal proceedings(5); Entry into force and transitional provisions (6); Changes in the Planning Act (7).
Appendix 1 - Maps of flood hazard.
Appendix 2 - Development of Risk Management Plan.
This Act provides definitions and framework for the assessment and management of flood risks from watercourse and lakes with the aim to reducing risks in vulnerable areas. For each water-district a planning project is initiated by the municipal authorities, under supervision of the Ministry of Environment.
The Act does not apply to Greenland nor to the Faroe Islands.The Minister shall make the first two hearings, respectively proposal for the designation of areas of risk and review of the proposal for the designation of areas at risk (article 3, section 2) in periods from 1 January to 31 March 2011 and from 1 January to 31 March 2018.The Minister of the Environment completes the initial assessment and identification of risk areas (article 3, section 1) by 22 December 2011. The first review of the assessment and identification of risk areas according (art. 3, sect. 3) shall be completed by 22 December 2018.The Minister shall prepare maps of flood hazard and flood risk (art. 5, sect. 1) by 22 December 2013.The Minister of the Environment Minister publishes a comprehensive risk management plan for each river basin district (art. 8, sect. 5) by 22 December 2015.
Act on the assessment and management of flood risk from rivers and lakes (No. 950 of 2013).
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