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The Order establishes responsibility of tasks assigned to the Danish Ministry of Environment s Nature Agency. The Agency is responsible for decisions taken in connection to environmental issues regulating the listed Acts in this document, however is NOT responsible for regulations having economic or administrative significance. Decisions in articles 16-46 (Laws on Environmental Protection, Forests, Planning, Hunting, Protection of Marine Environment, Marine Strategy, Water Supply, Raw Materials, etc.) may not be appealed to the Ministry. The decisions may be appealed to the Natural and Environmental Appeals Board or appraisal commission to the extent prescribed by law.
The Order consists of 3 Chapters: the Danish Ministry of the environment s Nature Agency s tasks (1); Nature Agency's administrative powers (2); Proceedings, entry into force, etc. (3).
The Order establishes responsibility of tasks assigned to the Danish Ministry of Environment’s Nature Agency. The Agency is responsible for decisions taken in connection to environmental issues regulating the listed Acts in this document, however is NOT responsible for regulations having economic or administrative significance. Decisions in articles 16-46 (Laws on Environmental Protection, Forests, Planning, Hunting, Protection of Marine Environment, Marine Strategy, Water Supply, Raw Materials,
Order No. 973 on delegation of tasks and responsibilities to Nature Agency.
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