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The Act applies to T ndermarsken area and aims to protect the outer borders and the lower part of watercourse Vid and establish it as a conservation area of national and international interest. Construction, fishing, hunting and planting of trees and plants are not permitted. Dyke systems are applied to watercourses for water supply. Specifically, its purpose is to maintain the biological, historical and landscape values associated with watered areas; to maintain (grass areas) pastures, periodic fluctuations in water level in the lower part of the Vid watercourse; to improve operation and maintenance of water supply plants of open boundary ditches, in New Frederikskog, Old Frederikskog and Bettles Cook; to pump water from Vid watercourse to the land border ditches used for watered pastures. The Act includes provisions in the agricultural and veterinary hygienic conditions.
The Act consists of 11 Chapters and 7 Appendices: Geographical area (1); Purpose (2); Area categories (3); Regulations in area use (4); Duty of watering (5); Operation of permanent grass areas (6); Compensation (7); Construction (8); Public access (9); Environmental damage to protected species or international nature conservation areas (9a); Administrative provisions (10); Penalty, entry into force and transitional provisions (11).
Appendix 1-7. Geographic Maps.
The Act applies to Tøndermarsken area and aims to protect the outer borders and the lower part of watercourse Vidå and establish it as a conservation area of national and international interest. Construction, fishing, hunting and planting of trees and plants are not permitted. Dyke systems are applied to watercourses for water supply. Specifically, its purpose is to maintain the biological, historical and landscape values ​​associated with watered areas; to maintain (grass areas) pastures, perio
Act on protection of external area in T ndermarsken (No. 940 of 2013).
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