Article 1 provides a comprehensive definition of animal testing. No animal testing shall be carried out without permission of the Minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sports (art. 2). The Minister may issue additional rules with respect to granting of permissions (art. 3). Articles 4 to 7 lay down further requirements regarding the granting of permission for testing. Testing on animals may only be carried out by qualified persons to be indicated by Decree (art. 8). Articles 9 to 11a prohibit or restrict testing on animals, or raising of animals for testing, in certain circumstances. Articles 12 to 15 lay down requirements with respect to the carrying out of tests on animals. The remaining provisions of the Act deal with exemptions, an advisory commission, advice of the commission, enforcement and penalties. (30 articles)
Article 1 provides a comprehensive definition of animal testing. No animal testing shall be carried out without permission of the Minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sports (art. 2). The Minister may issue additional rules with respect to granting of permissions (art. 3). Articles 4 to 7 lay down further requirements regarding the granting of permission for testing. Testing on animals may only be carried out by qualified persons to be indicated by Decree (art. 8). Articles 9 to 11a prohibit o
Consolidated version as at21 November 1996 (.pdf). Consolidated version as at 20 July 2010 (.doc).
Act concerning Experiments on Animals (Animal Experiments Act).
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