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This Act places restrictions on the removal of soil on land and in the sea. It is forbidden to remove soil on public or private land without a soil removal permit (art. 3). The permit is not required for soil removal carried out to prevent flooding, for the carrying out of a Town and Country Planning Plan, or the carrying out of a Provincial Environmental Programme (art. 6). The State owns shells, sand, stones, or mud on or under surface waters of the Continental Shelf (art. 4(b)). Articles 5 to 7(g) deal with coordination and other administration matters in relation with soil removal activities. Provisions of Chapter II regulate conditions for and procedures of granting of permits for soil removal. The remaining provisions deal with enforcement, charges, compensation of damages, and some other matters. (36 articles)
This Act places restrictions on the removal of soil on land and in the sea. It is forbidden to remove soil on public or private land without a soil removal permit (art. 3). The permit is not required for soil removal carried out to prevent flooding, for the carrying out of a Town and Country Planning Plan, or the carrying out of a Provincial Environmental Programme (art. 6). The State owns shells, sand, stones, or mud on or under surface waters of the Continental Shelf (art. 4(b)). Articles 5 to
Consolidated version of the Act as amended last by Act No. 411 of 1996 (pdf). Consolidated version as at 18 July 2010.
Act containing rules concerning the removal of soil (Soil Removal Act).
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