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The Act aims at the prevention of floods and defines tasks and duties of public authorities as well as rights and obligations of physical persons and legal persons concerning activities relating to providing support to flood prevention and coordination of these activities. Further the Act sets out penalties. The Act is composed of the following Sections: (1) Introductory provisions; (2) Flood prevention measures; (3) Territories of flood influence; (4) State authorities dealing with flood ; (5) Other institutions; (6) Obligations of physical persons and legal persons; (7) Costs of flood prevention; (8) Offences and penalties; (9) Final provisions.
The Act aims at the prevention of floods and defines tasks and duties of public authorities as well as rights and obligations of physical persons and legal persons concerning activities relating to providing support to flood prevention and coordination of these activities. Further the Act sets out penalties. The Act is composed of the following Sections: (1) Introductory provisions; (2) Flood prevention measures; (3) Territories of flood influence; (4) State authorities dealing with flood ; (5)
Act on flood prevention.
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