This Act aims at the prevention of floods and lays down: (a) measures to prevent floods and obligations for the assessment and management of flood risks in order to reduce the adverse effect of flooding on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activitiesl (b) planning, organization and management of flood protection; (c) rights and obligations of government bodies, bodies of flood protection, territorial units and municipalities; (d) rights and obligations of legal persons, natural persons to prevent floods; (e) liability for vilolation of the obligations established by this Act. The present Act is composed of the following Sections: (1) General provisions; (2) Flood prevention measures; (3) Territories of flood influence; (4) Ogranization and management of flood prevention; (5) Role of other institutions; (6) Obligations of persons; (7) Costs of flood prevention; (8) Liability for vilolation of the obligations.
This Act aims at the prevention of floods and lays down: (a) measures to prevent floods and obligations for the assessment and management of flood risks in order to reduce the adverse effect of flooding on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activitiesl (b) planning, organization and management of flood protection; (c) rights and obligations of government bodies, bodies of flood protection, territorial units and municipalities; (d) rights and obligations of legal person
Act on flood prevention.
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