The Act applies to the management of hunting activities with the purpose of conservation of special animal species - specifically mammals and wild birds. Hunting season is permitted between 1 February and 31 August, during sunlight hours only and not on endangered specieies. The Ministry of Environment and energy sets regulations concerning the rehabilitation of wildlife, including the improvement of wildlife habitat; on the implementation of management planning for endangered wildlife species; authorization of hunting permits; and research, monitoring and other hunting management activities in this sector.
The Act consists of 9 Chapters: Purpose (1): General wildlife management regulations (2); Hunting rights (3); Hunting rights implementation (4); Wildlife sanctuaries (5); Wildlife damage (6); Permits (7): Administration (8); Penalty (9).
The Act consists of 9 Chapters: Purpose (1): General wildlife management regulations (2); Hunting rights (3); Hunting rights implementation (4); Wildlife sanctuaries (5); Wildlife damage (6); Permits (7): Administration (8); Penalty (9).
The Act applies to the management of hunting activities with the purpose of conservation of special animal species - specifically mammals and wild birds. Hunting season is permitted between 1 February and 31 August, during sunlight hours only and not on endangered specieies. The Ministry of Environment and energy sets regulations concerning the rehabilitation of wildlife, including the improvement of wildlife habitat; on the implementation of management planning for endangered wildlife species;
The Act does not apply to Greenland nor the Faroe Islands.Consolidated version of Act No. 269 of 6 may 1993.Act No. 12 of 12 January 1997 shall enter into force on 1 April 1997.
Act on Hunting and Game Management (No. 114 of 1997).
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