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The Order sets regulations on the management of international environment conservation areas, particularly the international habitat conservation areas reserved for wild birds and wetlands, in compliance with the Natura 2000 objectives. Its goal is to maintain and restore conservation status of national bird species and the habitat. For this purpose, the Order sets regulations for the establishment of new land for urban areas, for the planning of roads, the planning of extension of airports, airfields, railways, ports, landfills in the territorial sea, wind turbine clusters and parks, landfills and for the establishment of new areas for mining.
Appendix 1 - Map over the internationally protected areas.
Appendix 2 - Map over habitat conservation areas.
Appendix 3 - Map over wild birds' conservation areas.
Appendix 4 - Map over wetland areas.
Appendix 5 - International environment conservation areas.
Appendix 6 - List of habitat conservation areas.
Appendix 7 - List of wild bird conservation areas.
Appendix 8 - List of wetland areas.
Appendix 9 - List of natural habitats and national native species pursuant to the Habitats Directive Annex I and II (relevant for the designation of habitat areas in Denmark).
Appendix 10 - List of Danish bird species pursuant the EC Birds Directive (relevant for the designation of habitat areas in Denmark).
Appendix 11 - List of Danish native species pursuant to the Habitats Directive Annex IV.
The Order sets regulations on the management of international environment conservation areas, particularly the international habitat conservation areas reserved for wild birds and wetlands, in compliance with the Natura 2000 objectives. Its goal is to maintain and restore conservation status of national bird species and the habitat. For this purpose, the Order sets regulations for the establishment of new land for urban areas, for the planning of roads, the planning of extension of airports, air
Repealing Order No. 477 of 7 June 2003.
Order No. 408 on the management of international environment protection areas and on the protection of certain species.
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