This Act reserves the right of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to establish a fishery zone in the Carribean part of the Kingdom. The Kingdom shall exercise jurisdiction in respect to matters regarding fisheries in a zone of at maximum 200 nautical miles measured from the baseline of the territorial sea. The outward limit of the zone shall be established with other States of which a corresponding zone borders the zone of the Netherlands.
This Act reserves the right of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to establish a fishery zone in the Carribean part of the Kingdom. The Kingdom shall exercise jurisdiction in respect to matters regarding fisheries in a zone of at maximum 200 nautical miles measured from the baseline of the territorial sea. The outward limit of the zone shall be established with other States of which a corresponding zone borders the zone of the Netherlands.
Edition as in force on 16 February 2015.
Act of the Kingdom delegating the authority to establish a Fishery Zone.
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