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The objective of this Act is to provide for sustainable livestock breeding, including the artificial transfer of seed and embryos. Its provisions concern the technical aspects of breeding. The Department of Agriculture may prescribe the animal species to which the Act applies. Each person handling or storing animal seed, eggs or embryos of animals shall apply for a permit from the Department (sect. 2). The Department may issue rules regarding the analysis of the genetic value and the approval for breeding of seed, embryos and eggs. Breeding associations and herd books shall be approved by the Department. The Act is made pursuant to Norwegian obligations deriving from the Agreement establishing the European Economic Area. (8 sections)
The objective of this Act is to provide for sustainable livestock breeding, including the artificial transfer of seed and embryos. Its provisions concern the technical aspects of breeding. The Department of Agriculture may prescribe the animal species to which the Act applies. Each person handling or storing animal seed, eggs or embryos of animals shall apply for a permit from the Department (sect. 2). The Department may issue rules regarding the analysis of the genetic value and the approval fo
Consolidated version of Act No. 130 of 1992 as at 14 March 2008 and amended last by Act No. 103 of 2009.
Act No. 130 of 1992 on livestock breeding.
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