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This Decree implements the EC Council Directives concerning pure-bred breeding pigs as well as breeding of hybrid pigs as well as the Directive on zootechnical standards applicable to breeding animals of the porcine species. The breeding association for pure-bred pigs, with its main seat in Norway and which shall establish and keep the pig breeding register, shall be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. This organization shall test the "genetic values" of animals. Sections 4 to 8 make provision for the testing, approval and registration in respect of pure-bred pigs and section 9 to 13 in respect of hybrid breeding pigs. Section 14 provides for importation from third countries and certificates of origin. (21 sections completed by 4 Annexes specifying criteria for the approval of breeding associations, prescribing the method of calculation of "genetic values", and instructions for the importation of herd-book for pure-bred pigs)
This Decree implements the EC Council Directives concerning pure-bred breeding pigs as well as breeding of hybrid pigs as well as the Directive on zootechnical standards applicable to breeding animals of the porcine species. The breeding association for pure-bred pigs, with its main seat in Norway and which shall establish and keep the pig breeding register, shall be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. This organization shall test the "genetic values" of animals. Sections 4 to 8 make provis
This Decree implements EC Council Directives 88/661/EEC, 90/118/EEC, and 90/119/EEC.
Decree on the approval of pure-bred breeding pigs and hybrid breeding pigs (No. 1167 of 1993).
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