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This Act is composed of 79 articles divided into 14 chapters: chapter I: general provisions (arts. 1-4); chapter II: establishment of an agricultural cooperative (arts. 5-7); chapter III: members, rights, obligations (arts. 8-15); chapter IV: relations between members and cooperative (arts. 16-20); chapter V: administration (arts. 21-30); chapter VI: supervision (arts. 31-32); chapter VII: structure (arts. 33-39); chapter VIII: specific collective action of the associate cooperatives (arts. 40-41); chapter IX: incorporation, liquidation (arts. 42-46); chapter X: confederations of agricultural cooperatives - The Greek Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives (PA.SE.GE.S) (arts. 47-59); chapter XI: government financial support (arts. 60-61); chapter XII: penal provisions (art. 62); chapter XIII: transitional provisions (arts. 63-71); chapter XIV: specific provisions (arts. 72-79).
This Act is composed of 79 articles divided into 14 chapters: chapter I: general provisions (arts. 1-4); chapter II: establishment of an agricultural cooperative (arts. 5-7); chapter III: members, rights, obligations (arts. 8-15); chapter IV: relations between members and cooperative (arts. 16-20); chapter V: administration (arts. 21-30); chapter VI: supervision (arts. 31-32); chapter VII: structure (arts. 33-39); chapter VIII: specific collective action of the associate cooperatives (arts. 40-4
Act No. 1541 on Agricultural Co-operatives.
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