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This Act makes provision for the planning of public space in the Netherlands at various levels of the administration and to regulate permission for specified constructions and destination of private property.
The Act requires various types and policies (including a national planning) to be adopted taking into account environmental impact assessment reports. Destination plans and project plans shall be submitted, if relevant, to Water Boards.
The Act does not apply to state waterworks. Various provisions concern coordination with environmental and water management and conservation policies.
This Act makes provision for the planning of public space in the Netherlands at various levels of the administration and to regulate permission for specified constructions and destination of private property.
Consolidated version of the Act, as last amended by the Act of 1 July, 2020, published in the State Gazette no. 262 of 2020.
Act No. 566 of 2006 containing new rules regarding spatial planning (Spatial Planning Act).
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