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This Act amends the Environment Protection Act by providing new rules relative to the quality of the air for the implementation of Council Directive 96/62, Directive 1999/30, Directive 2000/69, Directive 2002/3, Directive 2004/107 and Directive 2003/35.
This Act introduces anew Title (5.2) on air quality requirements and standards into the principal Act. This Title mainly concerns preparation of local plans if the established limit of air pollution is reached and national programmes and plans and other measures if nationwide pollution threatens to reach established air pollution limits. The Title also provides for methods of measurement and enforcement. A new Schedule (2) is added to the principal Act. This Schedule sets out guiding values for ozone and limit values and alarm thresholds for various kinds of air polluting substances including carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and benzene.
This Act amends the Environment Protection Act by providing new rules relative to the quality of the air for the implementation of Council Directive 96/62, Directive 1999/30, Directive 2000/69, Directive 2002/3, Directive 2004/107 and Directive 2003/35.
Act No. 674 of 2005 amending the Environment Protection Act (Air Quality Standards).
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