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The present Directive establishes long-term objectives (Section III of Annex I), target values (Section II of Annex I), an alert threshold and an information threshold for concentrations of ozone in ambient air in the Community, with a view to avoiding, preventing or reducing harmful effects on human health and the environment as a whole. Member States shall ensure that up-to-date information on concentrations of ozone in ambient air is routinely made available to the public as well as to appropriate organizations such as environmental organizations. Short-term action plans shall be drawn up by Member States in accordance with article 7. Article 8 deals with transboundary pollution. The following eight Annexes are attached: (I) Definitions, target values and long-term objectives for ozone; (II) Information and alert thresholds; (III) Information submitted by Member States to the Commission and criteria for aggregating data and calculating statistical parameters; (IV) Criteria for classifying and locating, sampling points for assessments of ozone concentrations; (V) Criteria for determining the minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurement of concentrations of ozone; (VI) Measurement of ozone precursor substances; (VII) Data quality objectives and compilation of the result of air quality assessment; (VIII) Reference method for analysis of ozone and calibration of ozone instruments.
The present Directive establishes long-term objectives (Section III of Annex I), target values (Section II of Annex I), an alert threshold and an information threshold for concentrations of ozone in ambient air in the Community, with a view to avoiding, preventing or reducing harmful effects on human health and the environment as a whole. Member States shall ensure that up-to-date information on concentrations of ozone in ambient air is routinely made available to the public as well as to approp
Directive 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to ozone in ambient air
European Union
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