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The purpose of this Act is the determination of the fundamental rights and obligations in relation with water public utility service, the protection of national water utilities assets, the development of the sector, the conformity with the objectives of reasonable use of drinking water resources, the assurance of service terms that vindicate largely consumer protection principles, and the adoption of objective and transparent rules which ensure equal treatment. The Act is composed of nine chapters. Chapter I lays down the fundamental principles of water public utility service, among which is the polluter pays principle, and furthermore gives the definition of terms used in the Act. The competent authority is the Hungarian Energy Office. Duties and competences of the authority are laid down in Chapter II. Chapter III establishes the means of public water servicing. Ownership rights of water utilities may be exercised only by the state or by municipalities. Chapter IV rules the legal framework of operation of water public utility service (trusteeship, concession or tenancy contracts). Chapter V contains provisions regarding water public utility service supplier. The supplier must bear a licence issued by the Office. Chapter VI provides the legal framework of water service supply. Chapter VII contains rules on data reporting, privacy and treatment of confidential information. Chapter VIII lays down rules on service fees.
The purpose of this Act is the determination of the fundamental rights and obligations in relation with water public utility service, the protection of national water utilities’ assets, the development of the sector, the conformity with the objectives of reasonable use of drinking water resources, the assurance of service terms that vindicate largely consumer protection principles, and the adoption of objective and transparent rules which ensure equal treatment. The Act is composed of nine chapt
Act No. CCIX of 2011 on water public utility service.
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