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This Act defines the obligations of legal entities and natural persons involved in the handling of substances that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, it regulates the fees related to ozone-depleting substances and organizes the structure for the administration of the Act. The Act consists of 24 articles and is divided in the following parts: general provisions; competence of the state administration bodies and obligations of legal and natural persons; fees for handling of the substances and products; liability for breaching the obligation; common temporary and final provisions. The Act is completed by two annexes: index of substances; conditions of applications for authorizations under the Act.
This Act defines the obligations of legal entities and natural persons involved in the handling of substances that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, it regulates the fees related to ozone-depleting substances and organizes the structure for the administration of the Act. The Act consists of 24 articles and is divided in the following parts: general provisions; competence of the state administration bodies and obligations of legal and natural persons; fees for handling of the substa
Act on the protection of the ozone layer.
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