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This Act concerns the protection of the air. Article 1 to 9 specify the institutions responsible for the protection of the air in the Slovak Republic and spell out their responsibilities and powers. Under article 10, Operators of large and medium pollution sources are required to report true and complete information about the pollution source, emissions, and the compliance of emission limits for the past calendar year to the organization designated by a committee and to the Subdistrict Environmental Office. Under article 12, the ministry establishes the details for determining emission limits of the existing pollution sources through general obligatory legislation and, in the time limit of three months from the day when this Act comes into force, operators of the existing large and medium pollution sources are required to apply at the appropriate authority of the state administration for air protection for the determination of the emission limit and for the period to reach the emission limit established for new pollution sources. Other provisions concern the administration of the Act, its enforcement and offences and penalties.
This Act concerns the protection of the air. Article 1 to 9 specify the institutions responsible for the protection of the air in the Slovak Republic and spell out their responsibilities and powers. Under article 10, Operators of large and medium pollution sources are required to report true and complete information about the pollution source, emissions, and the compliance of emission limits for the past calendar year to the organization designated by a committee and to the Subdistrict Environme
Act on the State Administration of Air Protection.
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