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This Act sets regulations concerning the application of subsidies submitted to the government to promote energy-efficient use of renewable energy commercial processes. These may be granted to projects which aim at replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources or district heating and energy efficiency measures, and for the implementation of projects that have a climate and energy input, which can contribute to energy efficiency, including reduction in CO2 emissions. Grants are awarded and administered by the Danish Energy Agency in accordance with the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union (TEUF) directives.
This Act sets regulations concerning the application of subsidies submitted to the government to promote energy-efficient use of renewable energy commercial processes. These may be granted to projects which aim at replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources or district heating and energy efficiency measures, and for the implementation of projects that have a climate and energy input, which can contribute to energy efficiency, including reduction in CO2 emissions. Grants are awarded and
This Act does not apply to Greenland nor to the Faroe Islands.
Act on renewable energy companies' production processes (No. 607 of 2013).
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