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The purpose of this Act is to promote the production of renewable energy sources in accordance to climatic, environmental and socio-economic considerations and in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, security of supply by reducing emissions of CO2 and other green-house gases. The Act applies to land and offshore areas, as well as the exclusive economic zone. is the supervising authority for the registration, use and supply of energy originated from wind turbines. The Climate, Energy and Building Ministry shall implement a green scheme which can approve and grant subsidies for initiatives undertaken to promote local installation of new onshore wind turbines connected on 21 February 2008, or later - with the exception of wind turbines connected to their own consumption installation as per article 41 (granted subsidy to wind turbines of 25 kW maximum capacity). These provisions refer to electricity produced by wind turbines connected to the grid as of 1 January 2014 or later, and to electricity produced by wind turbines connected to the grid during the period from 21 February 2008 until 31 December 2013.
The Act consists of 12 Chapters: Purpose, scope and definitions (1); Measures to facilitate installation of wind energy (2); Access to hydro energy and sea-wind energy exploitation (3); Connecting and safety requirements for wind turbines (4); Adjustment of power generation for offshore wind turbines (5); Surcharges (6); Administrative provisions (7); Danish Energy Regulatory Authority (DERA)(8); Appeals, Energy Appeals Board (9); Injunctions and sanction provisions (10); Entry into force (11); Amendment provisions (12).
The purpose of this Act is to promote the production of renewable energy sources in accordance to climatic, environmental and socio-economic considerations and in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, security of supply by reducing emissions of CO2 and other green-house gases. The Act applies to land and offshore areas, as well as the exclusive economic zone. is the supervising authority for the registration, use and supply of energy originated from wind turbines. The Climate,
This Act does not apply to Greenland nor to the Faroe Islands.Consolidated version of Act No. 1392 of 2008.
Act on Promotion of Renewable Energy (No. 122 of 2015).
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