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The purpose of this Order is to enforce the implementation of fee-paying for electricity consumption in Denmark., the national entity ensuring electricity connectivity in the country, shall apply fees for each MWh consumed as follows: for year 2010, the fee is of DKK 1.22/MWH and for year 2011, DKK1.37/MWH (of which DKK 0.82 shall be paid to the the Energy Monitoring Authorities, DKK 0.11 to the Appeal Tribunal for energy-related matters and DKK 0.44 to kroner to the Energy Board.
The purpose of this Order is to enforce the implementation of fee-paying for electricity consumption in Denmark., the national entity ensuring electricity connectivity in the country, shall apply fees for each MWh consumed as follows: for year 2010, the fee is of DKK 1.22/MWH and for year 2011, DKK1.37/MWH (of which DKK 0.82 shall be paid to the the Energy Monitoring Authorities, DKK 0.11 to the Appeal Tribunal for energy-related matters and DKK 0.44 to kroner to the Energy Board.
Repealing Order No. 178 of 23 February 2010.
Order No. 586 on fees for authorities' implementation of the Electricity Supply Act and the Act on the promotion of renewable energy.
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