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Electricity trading companies must comply with this Order by notifying declarations of fuel mix and environmental impact when supplying electricity to consumers. shall establish values and criteria for these environmental impacts originating from different energy sources. The Order applies to declarations for electricity supply starting in year 2010.
The Order consists of 6 Chapters and 1 Annex: Scope and definitions (1); Issuance, transfer and cancellation of the guarantee of origin (2); Control and monitoring of guarantees of origin (3); Foreign origin guarantees (4); Appeals and penalties (5); Entry into force (6).
Annex 1 - Information in the declaration.
Electricity trading companies must comply with this Order by notifying declarations of fuel mix and environmental impact when supplying electricity to consumers. shall establish values and criteria for these environmental impacts originating from different energy sources. The Order applies to declarations for electricity supply starting in year 2010.
Repealing Order No. 145 of 16 February 2007.
Order No. 1322 on declaration of electricity for consumers.
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