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This Act provides for responsibility of human beings for animals as fellow creatures, and importance of their lives and well-being. The Act describes regulation with the aim that nobody give suffering or harm to animal without a reasonable reason. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture is in charge of protection of animals. The Act provides on obligations on whom will keep or look after animals and determines also the forbidden actions and behaviours. The animal officers are in charge of ensuring that animals are kept, killed and used in professional manner. The Act further provides for fine and imprisonment punishment for disobey of the animals welfare regulations. The Act consists of 22 Articles divided into 12 Parts: Principles (I); Animal husbandry (II); Killing of animals (III); Operations on animals (IV); Experiments with animals (V); Animal welfare officers (VI); Breeding, keeping of animals, trade in animals (VII); Prohibition of movement, traffic and keeping (VIII); Other provisions for the protection of animals (IX); Implementation of the Law (X); Penalties and fines regulations (XI); Transitional and final provisions (XII).
An Act to protect animals. It consists of 22 articles divided into 13 Parts: Principles (I); Keeping of animals (II); Killing of animals (III); Operations on animals (IV); Experiments with animals (V); Treatment of animals for the purpose of reproduction (VI); Production of animal products (VII); Breeding and keeping of animals, trade in animals (VIII); Prohibition of keeping animals (IX); Other provisions for the protection of animals (X); Implementation of the Law (XI); Penalties (XII); Transi
Consolidated version of the Animal Protection (Welfare) Act of 1972 as last amended by the Act on 10 August 2021, BGBI. I p.3436.
Animal Protection (welfare) Act.
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