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This Regulation prescribes the procedures for the control of fish landing and inspection of fish marketing and transport facilities, warehouses and processing premises. It also lays down procedures for the submission of catch landing documentation as well as rules for registration of fish buyers; entering data of first purchase of the products and data of catch landing documents in the information system and procedures for the storage thereof; ensuring of traceability of the products on the market; inspection of marketing facilities, warehouses and processing premises; and control of product transportation, circulation and storage of product transportation documents.
This Regulation prescribes the procedures for the control of fish landing and inspection of fish marketing and transport facilities, warehouses and processing premises. It also lays down procedures for the submission of catch landing documentation as well as rules for registration of fish buyers; entering data of first purchase of the products and data of catch landing documents in the information system and procedures for the storage thereof; ensuring of traceability of the products on the mark
Cabinet Regulation No. 141 of 2015 on Control of Fish Landing and Inspection of Fish Marketing and Transport Facilities, Warehouses and Processing Premises
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