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Denmark, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden should, with the active involvement of food business operators, perform monitoring for the presence of dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and non-dioxin-like PCBs in fish and fishery products such as liver from the Baltic region, in accordance with Annex I to this Recommendation. Reference is made to the sampling procedures laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No. 589/2014.
Denmark, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden should, with the active involvement of food business operators, perform monitoring for the presence of dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and non-dioxin-like PCBs in fish and fishery products such as liver from the Baltic region, in accordance with Annex I to this Recommendation. Reference is made to the sampling procedures laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No. 589/2014.
Commission Recommendation (EU) 2016/688 on the monitoring and management of the presence of dioxins and PCBs in fish and fishery products from the Baltic region.
European Union
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