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The annexes to this Regulation define the methods to be used for: (a) sampling for the official control of the levels of dioxins, furans, dioxin-like PCBs and non-dioxin-like PCBs in foodstuffs listed in Section 5 of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006; (b) sample preparation and analyses for the control of the levels of dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in foodstuffs listed in Section 5 of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006; (c) analyses for the control of the levels of non-dioxin-like PCBs in foodstuffs listed in Section 5 of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006.
The annexes to this Regulation define the methods to be used for: (a) sampling for the official control of the levels of dioxins, furans, dioxin-like PCBs and non-dioxin-like PCBs in foodstuffs listed in Section 5 of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006; (b) sample preparation and analyses for the control of the levels of dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in foodstuffs listed in Section 5 of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006; (c) analyses for the control of the levels of non-di
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 589/2014 laying down methods of sampling and analysis for the control of levels of dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and non-dioxin-like PCBs in certain foodstuffs and repealing Regulation (EU) No. 252/2012.
European Union
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