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This Regulation amends Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 with respect to maximum levels applicable to nitrates in foodstuffs. It establishes that Member States must monitor nitrate levels in vegetables which may contain significant levels, in particular green leaf vegetables, and communicate the results regularly. Section 1 of the Annex, which concerns nitrates, is replaced by the Annex to this Regulation.
This Regulation amends Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 with respect to maximum levels applicable to nitrates in foodstuffs. It establishes that Member States must monitor nitrate levels in vegetables which may contain significant levels, in particular green leaf vegetables, and communicate the results regularly. Section 1 of the Annex, which concerns nitrates, is replaced by the Annex to this Regulation.
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1258/2011 amending Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels for nitrates in foodstuffs.
European Union
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