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This Regulation lays down for certain fishery products common marketing standards, as provided for in article 2 of Regulation (EEC) No. 3759/92. Therefore, fishery products of Community origin or coming from third countries may not be placed on the market unless they meet the requirements hereby established. Nevertheless, the present provisions shall not apply to small quantities of products disposed of directly to retailers or consumers by inshore fishermen. Article 3 contains the list of the fishery products covered by this Regulation. The list is divided into the following three categories: (a) saltwater fish falling under CN code 0302; (b) crustaceans falling under CN code 0306 whether presented live, fresh or chilled, or cooked by steaming or by boiling in water; (c) cephalopods falling under CN code 0307. The marketing standards shall comprise freshness categories and size categories. Article 11 establishes packaging and labelling requirements to be applied to fishery products originating in third countries.
This Regulation lays down for certain fishery products common marketing standards, as provided for in article 2 of Regulation (EEC) No. 3759/92. Therefore, fishery products of Community origin or coming from third countries may not be placed on the market unless they meet the requirements hereby established. Nevertheless, the present provisions shall not apply to small quantities of products disposed of directly to retailers or consumers by inshore fishermen. Article 3 contains the list of the f
Regulations (EEC) No. 103/76 and (EEC) No. 104/76 are hereby repealed. References to those Regulations shall be understood to apply to this Regulation.
Council Regulation (EC) No. 2406/96 laying down common marketing standards for certain fishery products.
European Union
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