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This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture lays down provisions implementing the Feedstuffs Act. It sets out (i) the list of substances and products which are forbidden for the production of feedstuffs, additive substances and premixes; (ii) the list of undesirable substances and products, including their maximum allowed quantity in feedstuffs; and (iii) maximum levels of radioactive contamination of feedstuffs, additive substances and premixes. The Decree is composed of the following Sections: (1) Forbidden substances and products; (2) Feeding raw materials and protein feedstuffs; (3) Additive substances and premixes; (4) Complete and supplementary feedstuffs; (5) Professional qualifications for producing, processing, transporting and marketing feedstuffs; (6) Marking of feedstuffs, additive substances and premixes.
This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture lays down provisions implementing the Feedstuffs Act. It sets out (i) the list of substances and products which are forbidden for the production of feedstuffs, additive substances and premixes; (ii) the list of undesirable substances and products, including their maximum allowed quantity in feedstuffs; and (iii) maximum levels of radioactive contamination of feedstuffs, additive substances and premixes. The Decree is composed of the following Sections:
Decree implementing the Feedstuffs Act.
Czech Republic
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