This Decree-Law, composed of 73 articles divided in seven Chapters, regulates quarantine and sanitary control on goods imported and exported. The aim is preventing and controlling the introduction, establishment and propagation of exotic plagues and diseases and other harmful organisms in the National territory; protecting the environment, agricultural production and livestock as well as aquaculture production originating from the country; controlling the already existing plagues and diseases in the country; protecting human beings and the public health from diseases transmitted by animals, plants or their derivatives, or by other organisms. The Decree-Law regulates monitoring procedures and defines competent authorities. Particular attention is devoted to import sanitary requirements and to animal products for human consumption. Finally, it defines prohibitions, contraventions and sanctions.
This Decree-Law, composed of 73 articles divided in seven Chapters, regulates quarantine and sanitary control on goods imported and exported. The aim is preventing and controlling the introduction, establishment and propagation of exotic plagues and diseases and other harmful organisms in the National territory; protecting the environment, agricultural production and livestock as well as aquaculture production originating from the country; controlling the already existing plagues and diseases in
Decree-Law No. 21/2003 approving the Regime for Quarantine and Sanitary Control on Imported and Exported Goods.
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