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This Decree, consisting of 4 Titles, establishes the General Regulation on Quarantine. This Regulation aims at establishing the sanitary procedures, the practical rules and the needed general requirements in order to implement provisions established by Decree-Law No. 21/2003 on sanitary inspections related to imports and exports. In addition, it regulates also transport and trade within the National territory of any animal or plan products subject to quarantine inspection, in order to avoid the introduction and dissemination of pests and disease within the National territory or any other country.
This Decree, consisting of 4 Titles, establishes the General Regulation on Quarantine. This Regulation aims at establishing the sanitary procedures, the practical rules and the needed general requirements in order to implement provisions established by Decree-Law No. 21/2003 on sanitary inspections related to imports and exports. In addition, it regulates also transport and trade within the National territory of any animal or plan products subject to quarantine inspection, in order to avoid the
Decree No. 1/2006 establishing the General Regulation on Quarantine.
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