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This Decree-Law establishes the legal regime on environmental impact assessment of significant effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, by transposing to our internal system Council Directive No. EC/85/337 of 27 June 1985 with the amendments introduced by Council Directive EC/95/11 of 3 March 1997. It consists of 46 articles and 3 annexes establishing the requirements to be satisfied in order to perform any activity and project relevant to environmental sector, according to EIA procedure (specifying composition and competencies of authorities entitled to carry out research and controls on this sector). Sanctions for illegal activity are prescribed in the text. Annexes concern categories of wastes to be treated for environmental preservation.
This Decree-Law establishes the legal regime on environmental impact assessment of significant effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, by transposing to our internal system Council Directive No. EC/85/337 of 27 June 1985 with the amendments introduced by Council Directive EC/95/11 of 3 March 1997. It consists of 46 articles and 3 annexes establishing the requirements to be satisfied in order to perform any activity and project relevant to environmental sector, accordin
This Decree-Law repeals Order No. 590/97 of 5 August.
Decree-Law No. 69/2000 establishing the legal regime on environmental impact assessment of significant effects of public and private projects.
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