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This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry concerns hygiene of products destined for human consumption (as defined by paragraph 8.1. in Schedule I to the Decree regarding hygiene of food of animal origin, with the exception of food referred to in article 1.2. of that Decree and containing both products of plant origin and processed products of animal origin), including: 1) meat of bovines, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry, reindeer, rabbits, game, fishery products, milk and eggs. The Decree lays down rules on: a) structural and functional requirements for food facilities that handle food of animal origin destined for retail sales; b) records relating to food products of animal origin and their handling and transportation, the documents that must accompany such products, and the labelling of food of animal origin; c) the plan of self-monitoring of food business operators and records connected to it; d) the health requirements to be met by food handlers; and e) handling of food of animal origin and the temperature during handling, storage and transportation.
This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry concerns hygiene of products destined for human consumption (as defined by paragraph 8.1. in Schedule I to the Decree regarding hygiene of food of animal origin, with the exception of food referred to in article 1.2. of that Decree and containing both products of plant origin and processed products of animal origin), including: 1) meat of bovines, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry, reindeer, rabbits, game, fishery products, milk and eggs. The Dec
Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on Food Hygiene of Foodstuffs of Animal Origin (No. 37 of 2006).
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