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The present Decree lays down provisions governing the identification and registration of bovines, implementing Regulation (EC) No. 1760/2000 and partially amending Decree No. 50 of 20 May 1996. Bovines shall be identified through ear tags to be approved by the competent authority (art. 4). The latter shall set up a computerized database containing all the relevant information. All the provisions laid down in Decree No. 50 of 1996 relating to the identification and registration of bovine species are repealed and replaced by the present provisions.
The present Decree lays down provisions governing the identification and registration of bovines, implementing Regulation (EC) No. 1760/2000 and partially amending Decree No. 50 of 20 May 1996. Bovines shall be identified through ear tags to be approved by the competent authority (art. 4). The latter shall set up a computerized database containing all the relevant information. All the provisions laid down in Decree No. 50 of 1996 relating to the identification and registration of bovine species
Decree No. 13 on the identification and registration of bovines.
San Marino
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